Saturday, April 6, 2013

Movie Invisoning Announcement! Small Update

Hello Guys!! I've been reading an amzing book! The reason why I've been taking so long is that this books is a MONSTER! Over 500 pages! It's The Diviners by Libba Bray! Expect a review on that book in the next week or so! Now lets get to what this post is really about! I will be doing a new segment on this blog called Movie Invisoning or M.I. Basically what this segment is, is that I will imagine the book as a movie and cast my dream cast and a movi score on the movie! I love book to movie adaptations so why not make blogs about it! Also I would like to post a HUGE thanks to Ke-shaunta! Be sure to follow her channel on YouTube. It's called theforsaken707! Its an AMAZING channel! I hope to be as popular on booktube as she is! Haha! Well stay tuned and a review and a M.I. will be up in less then a week or so!